errata: The case Grandpa Valentine Peter helped take to the Supreme Court was not Brown vs Board of Education (1956), but Meyer vs Nebraska (1923). This was regarding the right to teach a foreign language (specifically German) to a child. In 1918 the Nebraska State Legislature had passed a law prohibiting such. Search on "An act relating to the teaching of foreign languages in the State of Nebraska 1918" to find lots of interesting history on this landmark decision.
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Links to Bernadette's slide shows and photos

These include those photos used in the above slide shows, and many more.
A few of these are labeled on the photo itself. I would be happy to label them all (in the space at the top of each photo) but need people to send me names and dates -- maybe even what and where -- to go with the individual photos (send me the photo id name/number.)

If you have photos posted, from the reunion -- or otherwise -- feel free to send me a link.

Susan Peter
suemap at AOL dot com